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November 2022
  -    -  November

01.12.2022 until 24.12.2022 Our popular Advent calendar is back.Every day from 1.12-24.12 at 10:00 o'clock on Facebook and Instagram the door of the day will be opened.24 great artists provide one to five works each for a maximum of 200 euros. It's worth looking in every day, because there are again great works of art for a small price to grab. If you're

CURRENT EXHIBITION19.11.2022 until 14.01.2023 Galerie Dumas im Advent VOL. 2 - Céline Achour, Alice Baillaud, Cristina Balerina, Gottfried Derndorfer, Elke Punkt Fleisch, Carole Feuerman, Gregos, Barbara Guinevra, Valery Guo, Pedro Hamon, Monika Herschberger, Ramadan Hussien, Jana & Js, Alois Janetschko, Sherry Kerlin, Nina Lanner, Michael Lawrence, Suzanne Levesque, Me Lata, Mowcka, Florian Nörl, Philipp Pamminger, Andrei Pandea, Dino Pearl, Marco Prenninger, Sarah Renz,