Our assessments of all kinds of phenomena in the so-called real world are based more today than in days gone by on supposed experiences seen and heard from fellow human beings. Memories are no longer only what we can look back on at the end of the day and say: “I experienced that today”.
We collect memories without experiencing them ourselves. And in this world we accept as true, our limited direct experience is mixed with almost unlimited mediated experience. The flood of impressions, permanently available and retrievable in both visual and auditory form, takes up more and more of our everyday rationality to be able to cope.
My artistic works open up the question of true and traditional memories, of the influence and manipulation of memory, both of the individual and the collective. I explore this uncertainty of memory with the works from the series “Second hand recollection”. The body of work, consisting of several, mostly small-format oil paintings and has been subject to constant change since 2019.
Extract from Petra Fohringer autobiography. Read More