Saturday, April 20th to Saturday, May 25th, 2024
The event is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th, starting at 2:00 PM
Featured Artists:
Sandra Chérès, Gelitin, Nina Lanner, Linda Partaj, Dino Pearl, Marco Prenninger
In the exhibition “Schriftzüge – Text matters” a variety of artistic expressions come together, united by the central importance of script and text.
Linda Partaj’s works cannot only be superficially viewed – rather, hidden within them are small, concealed scripts that provide the viewer with subtle clues and open up a deeper level of interpretation.
Nina Lanner, on the other hand, creates with her soul images an entirely unique world, where script not only serves as a means of communication but also as an expression of the innermost feelings and thoughts. In her works, script merges with images to form a unity that touches the soul of the viewer and prompts reflection.
Marco Prenninger dedicates himself entirely to script in his drawings. His script images are a play with shapes, colors, and his own typography, leading the viewer into a fascinating world of letters. Through his artistic interpretation of script, the written word becomes a visual experience that opens up new perspectives.
In Dino Pearl’s works, script becomes an integral part of his artistic vision. It is more than just a collection of letters. Instead, it becomes a medium that conveys the emotions, thoughts, and visions of the artist in a unique way. Script can convey subtle messages, tell stories, or express deep feelings that may not be immediately apparent in the images themselves.
Therefore, “Schriftzüge – Text matters” is not only an exhibition celebrating the diversity of artistic expressions but also an invitation to reflect on and rediscover the significance of script and text in today’s world.
Art ExhibitionsDate:
12 April 2024